Spring Fling HDT/CT  Competition Information
See buttons to your left for information on Entries, Dressage, Cones, Hazards/Obstacles

Drivers competing only in the Combined Test will compete in dressage and cones on Saturday.  Drivers competing in the HDT will compete on Saturday (dressage/cones) and Sunday (Marathon Section E).


The following experience divisions are offered as either Single or Multiple (multiple can be pair, tandem, fours):

  • Training (wire wheels and pneumatic tires acceptable at training only)
  • Preliminary (four-wheel marathon carriages required.  Must have successfully completed 2 ADS ADTs or HDTs). If sufficient entries, class will be split as follows)
    • Preliminary "B" (must have successfully completed 2 ADS CDEs/HDTs/ADTs at Training)
    • Preliminary "A" (must have successfully completed 3 ADS CDEs at Prelim or competed at Intermediate level). 

The following equine sizes are offered:

  • VSE (under 99 centimeters).  Competes at TRAINING LEVEL only (or all competitors in this division agree on which level). No navigator is required on the marathon. No navigator needed on dressage/cones for singles.
  • Small Pony (99cm to under 120 centimeters with or without shoes). 

    No navigator is required on the marathon. No navigator needed on dressage/cones for singles.

  • Pony (120-148 cm (no shoes) - 149 cm (w/shoes))
  • Horse (150 cm and above, about 14H3")

Driver may compete with a second entry at the discretion of the organizer, scheduling permitted. The second entry must be entered as H.C. and driven after the competing entry. Multiple entries MUST be made before the closing date, or they will not be honored. Navigators may ride with more than one entry in any division, and drivers may navigate for other entries in a different division, only if schedule permits and navigator information is communicated on initial entry forms before the closing date.

Awards: Ribbons to 6th place per division. Special awards for HDT competitors for best cones, best hazards, best dressage.