JBCA: Submission Guidelines
All submissions to the Journal of Business Cases & Applications must be in electronic (Microsoft Word) format, submitted via email to either or both chief editors ([email protected] or [email protected] ). The subject line of the email should be: JBCA Submission. The email must contain names, university or other affiliations, titles, address, phone, email, fax information for ALL authors on the paper. The email should also contain the title of the paper, and the area of study (e.g. economics, marketing, etc.)


There is a submission/reviewing fee of $25 per submission, payable via check to JBCA (address: JBCA c/o Erika Matulich, UT Box O, 401 W Kennedy, Tampa, FL 33606) or credit card via Paypal. Best paper winners selected at the ABD Conference waive the submission fee. The paper will not be processed or sent out for review until the submission fee is received.


Papers are blind peer-reviewed by a minimum of two reviewers. Reviews should take between 30-60 days.


Files must be in Microsoft Word format using the following guidelines:

  • Submit TWO separate documents (both required):
    • The actual case or teaching application
    • A teaching note or instructor's manual indicating how the case should be used or applied in the classroom (this item will be reviewed, but not published)
  • Your papers should have no reference to authors or author affiliation. This information is contained in the transmittal email.
  • Use 1" margins all the way around the page
  • Single spacing throughout the document
  • Font should be 11-point Times New Roman
  • Justification should be left only (no full justification)
  • Page numbers should be the number only, centered at the bottom of the page
  • Begin with your title in Upper and Lower Title Case in 24-point font
  • Follow with a 30-word (maximum) italicized abstract (11-point font) that clearly indicates whether the paper is a case (real world, disguised, or fictitious), teaching application, or problem/exercise, and which fields of study are the target.
  • Primary headers are all caps, boldfaced, and centered. Secondary headers are upper and lower case, bold face, flush left, on their own line. Tertiary headers are upper and lower case, italicized, boldfaced, followed by a period, and then followed by text. Do not use Word Styles to format these headers
  • Paragraphs should be separated by an extra blank line/hard return, but NOT with tabbed indents
  • Insert tables, figures, and so on, into the document where they should appear
  • Do not use footnotes or endnotes for references
  • References and endnotes can be in any standard accepted business format (APA, Chicago Manual of Style, etc.) as long as they are consistent
  • Each paper, including all references, appendices, or other materials, are strictly limited to 15 pages

If your paper is accepted, a copyright release form will be required of all authors before the paper can be published.  All publications are in electronic (pdf) format.


Reviewer Rating Form


Copyright Agreement